MT. WOLF | Red

It is a much-welcomed relief to see the return of London indietronica quartet Mt. Wolf in the last week. Once coined the “most blogged about band on the internet” by Classic Pop Mag, their twelve month hiatus was definitely noticed by the indie music scene, and their resurgent new single, Red, has already between favourably welcomed by Earmilk and IndieShuffle within recent days. 

In 2013 we featured Shapeshift from their highly-acclaimed EP release (Hypolight), so it comes as no surprise to hear Red taking on the same poignant stance that we’ve come to love from this band - both in verse and aural swells. Like a winter recluse their seemingly appropriate versing of “going away for a long time” is spoken with irrefutable delicacy, and its breeze-swept haze allows for quiet contemplation and renewal in preparation for rebirth.

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