High school friends Adam McGinn and Andy Kai Nagashima are about much more than nostalgia. Following on from their debut self-titled release, YDIMITU, the Boston left-field R&B/experimental duo, EARLY NINETIES, return with down-tempo offering, Playboy; a mature composition reflecting on the things we claim to need which are also, consequently, the hardest to receive. 

Driven by soft piano and scaled back electronic percussion, Playboy experiments with more of a hip hop structure than what the duo have exhibited before. Surrounded by Green Lights, as an example (one of their earlier debut singles) has less to do with pbR&B and more to do with chip-tune excerpts and synthesized sounds. However, given that it’s still the first year of releases for this duo they can easily afford play around with these genres confidently without benchmarking their sound too early. Boston once again reveals another promising and mature debut music act from their bottomless pool of talent.

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